Monday, May 23, 2016

Oh Beast.

This weekend my Pastor challenged everyone hearing or watching the message to a 10 day fast of eating nothing but vegetables and fruits, which he will also be doing.  This is part of a "Straight Outta Excuses" series; this weeks title being "Straight Outta Shape".  He is challenging everyone to 21 days of eating healthy and exercising.  I am not at all ready, but I did accept the challenge because I am tired of being tired, I am tired of my clothes not fitting, I am tried of looking like I am pregnant, but just being fat.  I started eating better than I had been the week before the official challenge was announced, but I still had Wing Stop, Cheetos Puffs and Lays Dill Pickle Chips (which are my current favorite chips).  My last hoo-rah item for Sunday night.... a banana split with extra chocolate.  
This will be a family thing, whether my boys agree or not.  My daughter asked to go shopping for a treadmill before this series even started.  We went half and purchased one on Saturday.  My husband put it together and we all had a test run on it.  My thighs are a little sore today for it.  Progress.  

I have not been grocery shopping yet.  I am planning to do that tonight.  I still had enough salad items for today.  I am hoping to purchase more grains and beans for salads.  I am also looking for vegetable toppings for baked potatoes.  

I am not doing this to be movie or model thin.  I am doing this to be healthy for ME.  To be comfortable within my own skin.  To be an example for my kids that it can be done and we don't have to settle to cover up with bigger clothes or jackets.  We can make a decision to change and keep to it.  You can still eat good, while eating right.  I am fully aware that my right, may not be everyone's right.  Thinking you are right to say it's too hard or it doesn't work it not an option if you are truly serious.  How serious am I?  I am serious enough to give you the numbers I am starting with.  

I am 5'4, 35 years old, weigh 185 lbs. with a BMI of 31.7 and Body Fat % of 41.0.  According to all BMI charts I am obese.  I honestly don't feel obese, just cushiony.  Obese...what a strange word.  OOOBEEESSEE..OH BEES.OH BEAST.  Just kidding.  I have accepted to be obese for the last time.  I have made a promise to myself to make a positive change to those numbers.  It will be hard, but I will not be alone.  We can do this.  

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